Jun 28, 2016

Hijab Tutorial 1 inspired by Dwihandaanda and Hana Tajima

Hi everyone!!
Yey sudah hari-hari terakhir puasa nih, gimana puasanya? Masih kuat kan? Yadooong, sebentar lagi Idul Fitri! Can't waiiit:D
Well well, kali ini aku mau share tentang tutorial hijab. Dari kemarin-kemarin ini banyak yang nanyain tentang tutorial hijab huehe tapi maaf ya baru sempat kali ini.
Yuk langsung aja! Tutorial kali ini terinspirasi dari Hana Tajima shawl (kalian bisa lihat koleksinya di Uniqlo) dan style hijab dari hijaber cantik @dwihandaanda yang katanya mah mirip sama aku huahaha:")) iyaa mirip sama-sama pakai hijab wkeke.
Untuk bahan kerudung kali ini aku pakai kerudung Saudia Rawis yaaa banyak di online shop instagram bisa kalian cek, kalian bisa juga pakai kerudung berbahan katun, tyrex,ima, rawis, dan masih banyak lagi!

1. Untuk tutorial kali ini kalian perlu menggunakan inner yaa

 2. Bentuk kain kerudung kalian jadi model segitiga, seperti kerudung pada umumnya

3. Ambil sisi tengah kerudung dan dilipat, lalu disematkan jarum pentul secukupnya hingga membentuk lipatan seperti gambar di atas

4. Ambil salah satu sisi kerudung ke arah belakang leher dan sematkan jarum pentul

5. Ambil lagi satu sisi lainnya dan sematkan juga jarum pentul di belakang leher

6. Kemudian, ambil salah satu sisi kerudung yang menjuntai dan sematkan jarum pentul di atas telinga

Well, here's the result!!

Selesai deh, gimana? Mudah kan? Kalian bisa pakai style hijab ini untuk hangout bareng teman, kuliah, foto buku tahunan, atau bahkan sekedar foto-foto untuk di upload di instagram hehehe.
Kalau masih ada yang belum jelas, bisa comment yaa atau bisa dm instagramku @syaninditananda :)

Okdeee semoga bermanfaat! Sampai ketemu di post-post selanjutnya huehe, oiyaaa abis ini kira-kira post tentang apa yaaaa:"D

Selamat beraktivitas semua!



Jun 27, 2016

Old Town and Low Saturation

Hi everyone!
I'm probably that kind of outmoded girl while other girls love to go to modern place such as mall, cafe. etc, etc, yeaa things like that.
Well, for me museum and old town is always a good idea! I don't even know why since I grow up I think museum, old town, old builiding, something that comes from 1800's is always stunning!
That's why I love europe, their buildings, their streets, stunning, although I have never go there but someday I wish lol.

I asked him to go to museum from a very long time ago and few weeks ago he turned my dream comes true yeayy
Then I go to museum, and you know? They were closed, I am supposed to be there but oh God come on whyyy?! I really have no idea until someone told me on my snapchat that every monday museum are close, lol super lol pardon me. Poor me.

I decided to walk through the street, yesh old town, and I'm happy for that kind of little thing happiness

Forgive my face and pose ok I know I'm not a model soooo accept it heee

I wear my white long sleeve t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and yeshhh my old black mini tutu skirt! If you read my previous post you'd probably know how deep my love for that skirt unfortunately such a difficult thing to buy, anyone know where I could buy mini tutu skirt? I've been searching for many stores and online shop but they did'nt sell that:( and then I wear my white flat shoes because I really have no idea what to wear at that time.

As I told you, don't look at my face and pose heeeeeee for my hijab I tried Hana Tajima Hijab Style but...failed hehehe oops no, it's still look good on me though. Yesh I put what is that lavender? purple? yea kind of that rawis scarf (if you're hijaber you probably know this kind of scarf) and it needs many pins to make this kind of hijab style. Be careful, it hurts...hijaber problem(sss)

Well, this is some shots yesh I walked and boom boom boom (ok I know it's not the sound) yesh and taraaa there were many photos. I know it's bad but whatevs I just want to post it on my blog

I know that I am quiet fat hehehehehehe what should I do to have skinny body:")))

Well, I think that's enough. Hope that outfit can inspire you
See you on the next post



Jun 24, 2016

The kind of woman I'll try to be

A high quality woman encourages you to pursue your goals, but she doesn't micromanage.
She trusts you to make the right decisions in your own life.
She's the cheerleader, not the coach.

She doesn't try to make you jealous.
She's secure in her worth, and your ability to recognize how valuable she is. She doesn't need to play games to "trick" you into seeing her for what she is.

She doesn't have a princess complex. She demands that you treat her with respect -- but because she is a person you love, not because she is a woman and therefore magically entitled to something.
She has part of her life that doesn't involve you. Friends, hobbies, carriers -- whatever. She's confident and independent enough to not need your involvement in everything she does.

You wouldn't think twice about inviting her into different parts of your life. She's mature enough to make a good impression with your collagues and wise enough to know letting loose with your friends and having fun doesn't mean she's immature.

She takes care of herself. This doesn't mean she's perfect. It means she is always improving. She's self-aware and sees what issues she has and is self-motivated enough to constantly be working to improve them.
She has opinion more than "I don't know" and she can talk calmly and non-hyperbolically about them. If she disagree with you, you can have conversations about it without anyone raising their voice.

She knows what she wants in life. She doesn't change her value or goals to tailor fit the guy she is with.
You feel lucky to be dating her because you know she would never date anyone just to date them. She isn't afraid to be single and she is self-sufficient.
You know, she's dating you because she's attracted to you and she thinks that you will help each other grow to be even higher quality, together."


Jun 23, 2016


"Raindrops crashes into the soil, succumbs to the force of gravity.
Mother of earth seemingly wants to share its sadness, but doesn't know who to vent to.
Gloomy sky never falls to stir the emotion of humans beneath it.

For some, rain makes them feel calm and relaxed; some also might be reminded of their unrequited love, reminded of someone, somewhere.

Meanwhile, I keep imagining
How it's like to kiss your cheek only for a fleet second
How it's like to hold your hands amidst pervading petrichor.

But you're out there, holding your hands with someone,

Ps : I know I've promised to post more realities and not my thoughts. But this one isn't my thoughts, this one is really nice and pretty sad. Can't get enough from every words that phosphenous shared❤

Jun 21, 2016

The end of mine

People say, the more you quiet the more you hear
And that's right!
Keep quiet, listen carefully, and you'll find out.
If you need a break, perhaps sleep is the best way to escape since no one will know how you really feel, what you really think, where you really want, who you really hate, when you really feel nothing, why you tired, and many more.
The walls should be built higher and higher, don't let anyone to see.
Wear your mask, nobody even care they just want to know and pretend like they really did.
Don't trust someone easily, if they broke it you'd probably don't know how to fix those puzzles and nobody will be there to help
Eventually, you're all that you have.
That's my tuesday thoughts.
And maybe me too, I have to try it.
I need to stop pour my thoughts into words.
I never thought before, if I pour it into words that might be many thoughts from everyone who read it. Although their thoughts might be right or wrong, well I just need to stop pour it into words.
Distance my thoughts.
And after this, I still have no idea what will I post if I didn't feel to write about my kind of fashion and beauty thoughts.

From now on, this page is no longer be my escaping page.
It shouldn't be.

Goodbye to everyone who ever read my thoughts! You'll read more realities, I promise.

Well, I'd never thought deleting those posts as easy as that :)

I hate u, I love u

...and now all this time is passing by
But I still can't seem to tell you why it hurts me everytime I see you
Realize how much I need you

I hate you I love you
I hate that I love you
Don't want to, but I can't put
Nobody else above you

I hate you I love you
I hate that I love you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her

...if you wanted me you would just say so
And if I were you, I would never let me go
I don't mean no harm
I just miss you on my arm

...always missing people that I shouldn't be missing
Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges just to create some distance
I know that I control my thoughts and I should stop reminiscing

...all alone I watch you watch her
Like she's the only thing you've ever seen
You don't care you never did

I hate you I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her

Jun 19, 2016


"I saw you, and I knew there were stories behind your eyes.
I wanted to be the first to read it.
I wanted to see every chapter that you had.
I wanted to read every page that you've been through.
Because you didn't give your stories easily to anyone.
And I wanted to be there, to read yours.
Your mind was a library and I ever wanted to read all its books until I realize they were all about her
And I quit, locked that door. Never wish to come and try to read again."

Jun 10, 2016

Gridlines and Big Window

Taken when I had a break at my college
I can't wear unique or something different about fashion when it comes to college things because there is a rule to wear shirt and slacks every monday to wednesday. And then wear departement uniform every thursday. Actually I can wear kind of jeans every friday and saturday, but not skinny jeans. Yeaaa that's kind of my college things.
So let's talk about the outfit.

I wear that B&W gridlines shirt and I'm not sure with my slacks's colour is that grey or dark grey or I can't explain. You can see that through my picture. And as usual, I wear black scarf as my daily hijab.
I can't even explain why did I wear converse all the time hehehe I just think that kind of shoes cover my feet from UV, as you know when you wear flat shoes your feet doesn't covered at all and I can't stand with that although that is quite hard and disturbing when I have to take off my shoes if I should go to laboratorium or pray or even to my class, sometimes I need to take it off.

In my opinion, this outfit can be worn to go to college or even to hang out with friends because actually it doesn't really formal outfit. I put on converse and my slacks is quite skinny so I didn't look like an officer.

That's all I want to share, here some photos forgive me if it doesn't look good. I asked my friend to take this and sometimes I stop because everyone walk through us. Pretty shy.

And yaaa! For daily make up as you can see my previous post. I wear Beauty Story Mineral Loose Powder for daily makeup and NYX Crayon Eyebrow. For lip product if I'm not mistaken I wear Wardah Matte Lipstick number 20 and Purbasari Matte Lipstick number 88, yesh that kind of ombre lips. No, I didn't wear cream blush at that time so I think my face looks quite pale but it doesn't matter there were no one looking at me or even care if I looks quite pretty or even pale lol. I dressed up and make up for my self, not impress other.

When someone taken your picture and you were going to pose but you heard someone walked through the upstair.......picture failed but still looks good lol

Have a good day everyone!



Count Your Blessings

Halo semua!
Gimana puasanya? Udah ada yang batal? Hueheee
Gak sabar mau cepet lebaran wkeke.
Oiya sekarang aku mau post outfir dari @zaskiamecca4ramayana
Ini produk barunya @zaskiadyamecca yang lucu banget!
Semacam dress statement gitu dan statementnya lucu-lucu banget contohnya "Count Your Blessings", "Be Grateful", "Forgiveness" dan masih banyak lagi!
Yang paling aku suka tuh desainnya waaah simple and chic banget pokoknya, pas buat remaja-remaja dan pas juga nih untuk lebaran hehehehe. 

Untuk yang aku pakai ini, dress statement Count Your Blessings. Desainnya lucu gitu jadi kaya gabungan dari kaus biasa, rok mini, dan hand cover. Well, this is it!

Selaiiin itu, dress ini gak terlalu membentuk badan wah pas banget kan buat para muslimah wkeke oiyaa ada sizenya juga. Yang aku pakai ini L dan masih agak longgar kok di aku yang (agak) gendut ini:p

Daaaan hijabnya juga enak banget, lembut, dan masih banyak pilihan warnanya! Ziv hijab ini juga panjang jadi kalau kamu mau berbagai macam model gak akan buat rambut kamu keliatan kok!

Kalian bisa cek langsung di Ramayana Departement Store terdekat atau bisa coba cek dulu di instagram Ramayananya yah @ramayanadeptstore

Cukup sekian ya! Selamat berpuasa, jangan lupa beli yaa biar samaan kaya aku hihi pas banget nih untuk lebaran kalian!
Terimakasih semuaa :) semoga bermanfaat

Terima kasih @zaskiamecca4ramayana @ramayanadeptstore



Sweet and Chic Daily Make Up Look

So, hi everyone!
Here I am wondering what should I do and yesh now starting to write again about make up.
As you know, I'm not an expert.
I just wanna share this to all of you perhaps this will inspire you.
Sweet and Chic Daily Make Up is made by me when I had nothing to do when my mom gone lol and my sister also tried make up (my mom would be angry actually if she knows that my lil sissy tried make up)

Well this is the steps and products, I still wear the same products like my previous simple daily make up post

1. Wardah Hydrating Aloe Vera Gel
Yesh! Mari mencintai bahasa sendiri wkeke pake indo aja ya, berhubung kulit aku suka kering sebelum make up aku pakai Wardah Hydrating Aloe Vera Gel ini, enak banget dan buat kulit jadi lembab. Harganya juga gak terlalu mahal kok cuma sekitar 30-40 ribu. Oiyaa selain buat wajah, bisa juga dipakai di tangan atau kaki kalau kulitnya kering.

2. Beauty Story Mineral DD Loose Powder
Mungkin beberapa dari kalian biasa pakai BB Cream atau CC Cream atau bahkan DD Cream sebelum pakai bedak, tapi aku ngga. Kulitku sensitif suka langsung beruntusan jadi aku langsung ajadeh pakai bedak ini.Pakainya ditepuk-tepuk ya atau kalau mau lebih merata bisa pakai brush.

3. NYX Crayon Eyebrow
Aku cuma pakai dari tengah ke ujung terus aku blend deh pakai brushnya soalnya aku gak jago bikin alis wkeke jadi aku cuma ikutin bentuk asli alis aku aja. Untuk eyebrow kalian gak mesti pakain NYX ini kok, masih banyak eyebrow lain yang harganya lebih murah dan bagus juga.

4. Wardah Eyeshadow B
Aku pakai yang warna pink untuk primer eyeshadownya terus aku kasih sedikit warna ungu di pinggirnya, sedikit aja ya. Aku pakai eyeshadownya di blend sama tanganku wkeke soalnya lebih rata dan lebih enak ajasih.

5. Maybelline Master Liner (White)
Untuk eyeliner, aku belum berani pakai karena aku belum ketemu model yang cocok sama mataku, kadang jadi keliatan galak:( wkeke jadi aku pakai eyeliner putih aja dibawah mata. Eyeliner maybelline ini enak banget kok creamy dan gak susah saat diaplikasikan.

6. Maybelline Volume Express Waterproof
Untuk maskara juga maybelline enak banget! Murah meriah melentikkan hihi, ini aku pakai yang warna ungu tapi menurut aku sih enakan yang packagingnya warna hitam ituloh apasih lupa namanya:( untuk maskara sih ya maybelline yang paling aku suka so far

7. Beauty Story Sweet Lip and Cheek
Blush! Akhir-akhir ini aku baru sadar ternyata selain lipstick, yang paling aku butuh dari make up product ya blush ini. Aku lebih suka blush warna oranye karena menurutku terlihat lebih natural, kadang kalau pink terlalu too much hehe. Untuk blush, khususnya cream blush selain produk beauty story ini kalian bisa coba emina cream blush. Temanku Aisyah Akifah bidadari arab itu pakai emina cream blush dan bagus kok, aku sendiri sih belum pernah coba. Atau bisa juga Wardah Blush On C dan Cheeky Glow yang dari Maybelline. Woaah banyak sekali blush yang lucu ternyata. Untuk cream blus ambil sedikit aja dan pakainya ditepuk-tepuk sampai merata ya!

8. Purbasari Lipstick Matte Amethyst (88)
Untuk lipstick make up kali ini aku putusin untuk pakai yang warnanya oranye muda agar gak terlalu keliatan too much, atau bisa juga warna soft pink. Untuk sweet and cheek make up jangan pakai warna bold atau merah ya, gapapa sih warna merah tapi di blend aja biar agak ombre jadi jatuhnya kaya pakai liptint. Kalau warna bold rasanya kurang cocok.

Okdeee sekian dulu ya, semoga bermanfaat!
Sweet and Chic ini bisa dipakai buat ngampus, hang out bareng temen, atau jalan sama gebetan juga bisa wkeke. Buat pacaran juga bisa kok;p
Hope you like it!

Details : 



Jun 9, 2016

I'm sorry if it bother you

I'm sorry if it bother you
I just want you to change
Be better
Be the best version of yourself

I'm sorry if it bother you
I just want you to change
Be better
Not for me, but for yourself

I'm sorry if it bother you
I just want you to change
Be better
Grow up, be my man

I'm sorry if it bother you
I just want you to change
Be better
At least I've tried, to help you

I'm sorry if it bother you
I just want you to change
Be better
Then if you don't want to
I won't push you

I'm sorry if it bother you
I just want you to change
Be better
If you want to be mine

I'm not that kind of spoiler girl that ask you surprises, chocolates, flowers, dolls, or anykind like that
I'm that kind of girl who wants to be the best version of herself, change to be better, learn to grow up, solve every problem that she had

Let's grow up together
Let's change, to be better
Let's support each other
Let's chase our dreams

I'm sorry if it bother you
Once again,
Then if you don't want to
I won't push you
I won't
Because you've decided

Jun 6, 2016

Which one?

Legend says when you can't sleep at night it's because you're awake in someone else's dream.

Psychological fact says when someone appears in your dreams, it's because that person misses you.

Tell me
Which one are you?
The first one or the second one?

Jun 3, 2016


She used to love sky
She used to love galaxies
She used to love planets
She used to love constellations
She used to love universe
Now, she hates it all

Jun 2, 2016

Gradient Lips using Wardah Matte and Exclusive Lipstick

So hi everyone!
Here I am, waiting.
Yesh, rain is falling here in Bogor the city of rain. I can't go home earlier although I really want to because tomorrow I'll have my test huffff poor me.

Jadiiii, sambil menunggu hujan yang tak kunjung reda mari berbagi sedikit tips yang mungkin kalian sudah tau wkeke tapi buat yang belum tau semoga bermanfaat ya!

Sekarang lagi up banget kan gradient lips ala ala korea, biasanya pakai liptint yakan. Pakainya di bawah bibir sedikit yayaya pasti tau dong. Nah aku ada tips sedikit buat kalian yang belum punya atau gak suka pakai liptint karena cepat pudar dan agak agak berasa sirup obat anak kecil heheeee kalian bisa coba pakai lipstick kok!
Gimana caranya? Wah maaf ya fotonya seadanya aku belum buat tutorial lips gradient wkeke tapi kalian pasti bisa kok ini mudah sekali!

1. Pakai lipstick nude untuk base lipstick agar bibir kalian terlihat sedikit lebih pucat, disini aku pakai Wardah Matte Lipstick nomor 20
Pakai seperti biasa diseluruh bibir.

2. Diamkan beberapa saat, kalau udah berasa matte kalian pakai lipstick yang warnanya lebih cerah semacam pink atau merah, kalau aku sih pakai Wardah Exclusive Lipstick nomor 43
Pakai di tengah bibir lalu dikecup kecup gitu tipis tipis ya pakainya!
Terus terus pakai di bibir bawah yang bagian dalamnya, ikutin aja bentuk bibir kalian terus kecup kecup lagi deh.

Untuk lipstick basenya gak harus warna nude kok, kalau kalian mau yang warnanya agak cerah seperti pink muda juga bisa jadi bibir kalian gak terlalu pucat.

Aku suka banget Wardah Matte dan Exclusive Lipstick ini karena warnanya pas banget buatku, selain itu halal lhoo wkeke dan cukup terjangkau harganya. Walaupun kalau habis makan kalian harus touch up lagi. Oiyaaa kalau habis makan cukup pakai lipstick yang cerahnya aja kok gak perlu pakai lipstick base lagi.

Selamat mencoba!
Semoga bermanfaat yaaa hihi