Nov 25, 2015

Meet me in the corner of my dream

May all those happiness comes to you :)
This time I just wanna share some pics from @fxdworks actually it was about 4 months ago, taken by @dzakyhasyim and @firzaoctavian. Both of them have a taste of photography which I don't really understand at all.
To be honest, these pics taken for @theautumnspring new collection. @theautumnspring is our online shop (me, @nasyilaaa, and @dhearizkyaa) but....yea because of our different schedule soooo @theautumnspring is currently closed until....we're not busy lol. Just kidding, we'll try our best later ;)

 So, here's the pics with different tone hehe hope you like it

"...I'll wait, I'll wait until you come again to those dreams"

", it's all not about the dreams"

"'s about me wondering who are you"

" ya, I'll wait 'till you come again"
