Dec 25, 2014


December is going to end...
2014 is going to end...
And perhaps we're going to end too...

I really have no idea about this, about us. We always stand in the same circumstance over and over again. Been very long time known each other, I know you a lot. Everything what you do, every single thing about you. You can't pretend like there is nothing happen between us, you know there are so many chances I have been given to you and what? You still in your circumstance, you're being nice to me, you do many things to keep me happy, just like you do everything yes (e v e r y t h i n g) to make me happy, it was such a blessed to be yours. And after all? You create a distance, you create a "hidden" distance, currently live without knowing each other activities, I don't know how was your day going on and you don't know how sucks my day. Slowly but sure, I know exactly what "really" happen you don't have to pretend that we're fine or hide anything from me, I know exactly we're going to over. What I hate the most? Myself. For repeating the same mistakes over and over again, for giving you chances, for believing that we are really meant to be together since everything we've been going through you will always come back to me. When I love, I love hard I don't play with "love" I do really respect the meaning of love, and you know it. I don't care even if people says that I'm still too young. Well, now... I have no idea about this yea really tired to speak up or even write oh no I mean type it into words. I'll let you go... I'll let the things go

I don't want to keep the sadness within myself.
I want a lot of happiness^^

If we're meant to be together, there'll be many ways to us to get back, our destiny will lead us, God knows the best.

Dec 7, 2014

Zetta ni shiawase ni suru kara 5

Minoru telah merencanakan sesuatu lagi untuk membuat Reiko jatuh cinta padanya. Dengan bantuan buku ajaib Reiko yang ia temukan, ia akan mencoba berbagai cara untuk membuktikan pada Reiko bahwa Reiko pantas untuk bersama laki-laki lain, bukan hanya menunggu Katashi.
"Hai anak manja, sudah jam berapa ini? Kau ini gadis selalu saja bangun siang" ucap Minoru ketika Reiko baru saja turun dari kamarnya.
"Diamlah, aku sedang tidak ingin mendengar ocehanmu. Aku sedang sakit" suara Reiko terdengar pelan
"Anak bodoh, kau yang menasihatiku untuk tidak sakit setelah aku pulang dari Yokohama, lalu kenapa malah kau sendiri yang sakit? Bagaimana bisa? Ah.. Suhu tubuhmu panas sekali, kau dari mana saja sih? Apa yang telah kau lakukan?" tanya Minoru khawatir dengan keadaan Reiko
"Sudahlah hentikan pertanyaanmu, lebih baik tolong buatkan aku sup hangat. Aku benar-benar ingin tidur saja seharian ini" lalu Reiko kembali ke kamarnya dan Minoru membuatkan Reiko sup hangat.
Saat Minoru sedang membuatkan Reiko sup hangat, Minoru melihat Mika yang ingin pergi.
"Mika, apakah kau tau apa saja yang Reiko lakukan saat aku berada di Yokohama?" tanya Minoru
"Tidak, memangnya ada apa? Apa yang terjadi pada Reiko chan?" Mika mulai khawatir
"Suhu badannya tinggi sekali, aku tau bahwa dia tidak mudah sakit tapi sepertinya sekarang dia benar-benar sakit." jawab Minoru
"Baiklah, buatkan saja ia sup aku akan segera kembali dan jika bocah itu masih sakit kita akan panggilkan dokter untuknya. Aku pergi dulu ya!" lalu Mika meninggalkan Minoru.
Minoru tetap membuatkan Reiko sup hangat dan mengantarnya ke kamar Reiko.
"Hei sudah ku buatkan sup,makanlah agar kau cepat sehat" ucap Minoru sambil meletakkan sup diatas meja Reiko
"Letakkan saja nanti aku akan memakannya" Reiko masih berada di tempat tidurnya
"Anak ini menyusahkan sekali sih, duduk yang benar. Sini aku akan menyuapkannya untukmu" akhirnya Reikopun makan.
Setelah selesai makan beberapa saat, Minoru kembali ke kamarnya dan membiarkan Reiko terlelap. Ia pun juga terlelap di kamarnya karena ia masih kurang cukup istirahat setelah pulang dari Yokohama.
Minoru terbangun dan baru menyadari bahwa ia tidur lebih dari 12 jam. Saat itu waktu menunjukkan pukul 2 pagi. Minoru langsung membuka pintu kamarnya dan menuju kamar Reiko untuk melihat bagaimana keadaannya, namun ternyata Reiko tidak ada di kamarnya.
Minoru seketika panik dan mencari-cari Reiko, ia tidak dapat menemukan Reiko untuk beberapa saat. Akhirnya ia mencoba mencari Reiko di atas, ia menuju balkon atas dan benar sekali ternyata Reiko sedang duduk bersandar. Reiko juga tak lupa menggunakan selimutnya, ia menatap langit sambil meneguk ocha panasnya.
"Kemana saja kau, aku cari dari tadi" ucap Minoru kesal
"Aku disini sejak tadi, kau yang kemana menghilang selama lebih dari 12 jam" jawab Reiko datar
"Aku terlelap dan baru sadar bahwa aku telah tidur selama lebih dari 12 jam. Sekarang aku tidak bisa kembali tidur lagi. Mengapa kau tak tidur? Kau kan sedang sakit. Bagaimana kalau kondisimu menjadi lebih buruk? Apakah kau ingin menyusahkan orang-orang disini?" Minoru terus berbicara dan duduk disamping Reiko
"Tanpa harus kau suruh pun jika aku bisa tertidur sudah dari tadi saja aku tidur. Aku tidak bisa tidur dan tidak tau apa yang harus aku lakukan jadi aku memutuskan untuk ke balkon atas dan melihat langit. Aku kira aku akan banyak melihat bintang-bintang dan bulan tapi nyatanya malam inu tidak ada apa-apa." jawab Reiko
"Mungkin cuaca hari ini sedang tidak mendukung, kau bisa mencobanya lain kali. Lebih baik sekarang kau masuk"
"Minoru, bolehkan aku bertanya sesuatu?"
"Apapun yang kau mau"
"Saat kau masih kecil, kau seperti apa?"
"Wah, aku adalah anak laki-laki yang tampan dan disukai banyak wanita tentu saja, selalu menang dalam permainan apapun, memiliki banyak teman dan juga musuh karena mereka aku kalahkan"
"Tidak bisakah untuk sekali saja kau menjawab dengan benar, ceritakan masa kecilmu hingga kau bisa menjadi seperti sekarang"
"Kenapa sih kau tidak percaya? Masa kecilku memang seperti itu. Baiklah aku akan bercerita."
Saat Minoru terus bercerita tentang masa kecilnya hingga ia bisa menjadi seperti sekarang Reiko perlahan meletakkan kepalanya di bahu Minoru dan terlelap. Minoru sudah menyadari bahwa Reiko tidur namun ia tetap melanjutkan ceritanya.
"...sampai suatu hari aku ada disini, menemukanmu"
Lalu Minoru membelai lembut rambut-rambut Reiki yang memiliki aroma vanilla dan mengecupnya. Ia kemudian memandang langit sesaat dan memindahkan Reiko ke kamar Reiko.
Ketika Minoru menutup pintu kamar Reiko dan akan kembali ke kamarnya, Reiko membuka matanya perlahan dan tersenyum kemudian ia kembali tidur. Reiko tau apa yang terjadi malam itu, Reiko hanya tak ingin merusaknya dan memutuskan untuk tetap pura-pura tertidur. Karena malam itu terlalu indah untuk dirusak.


It has just supposed to end.


Nov 28, 2014

You Ruin Me

I know you thought
That I wouldn't notice
You were acting so strange
I'm not that dumb
And in the end I hope she was worth it
I don't care if you loved me, you make me numb


Nov 22, 2014


Been busy lately, well..
Wherever you are, whatever you do, if you're read this, if now you're read my post, take a time to remember how blessed you are.
Take a little time and say "thanks" to God for giving you life, include ups and downs, problems, loves, and even an oxygen.
I have no idea what I'm going to write because I don't feel "something" which can make me write sweet words or just simple words, I don't wanna talk about love.
I just realize that God already made a plan for us. Every decisions we made, God already set all of the result. And what we take, that's all the best for us. Because I'm sure that God will never give us something bad, God knows what the best for us, God knows what we really need, not what really want.
Everytime I pray, I beg to God for give me the best way to my life, I put it on him and I will try to accept anything what he already set to my life.
I've prayed and I begged to him to show me the truth, whom better to handle this pain, and he answered it with implicit ways. But sometimes, I don't realize it, I don't remember him, or even I just focus on my "earthly-life", God loves me much, and I'm sure everything that already happened in my life or even everything that I don't really know it would be happen or not God already set it. God has a bigger plans than I had for my self.


Nov 9, 2014

Memories of Saturday

Begin on Saturday.
End on Saturday.


Nov 1, 2014

From Where I Stand Ideas

Time goes too fast, my blog already through a random year.
I already posted this on instagram, the things that I do when I have nothing to do.
From Where I Stand Ideas! Many people like to post this kind of photo, what shoes they wear and even they show (a half of) their outfit

First, my fav culottes with gods and goddeses greek pattern and platform sandals. You can pair it with your fav lain colored t-shirt, but wait this is kind of "From Where I Stand" photo, then you don't need to think much about your top;p

Second, I played with dark colors, I was wearing my blacky boots with my dark-purple pencil pants and I paired it with pattern skirt (actually it was a mini dress but I combined it with my blacky-glittery sweater).
And I captured it, a half of my outfit. You don't need to see my face,
I love this kind of "From Where I Stand" photo cause it cool I think;p

And the last one, Red&Creamy combined. I was wearing my red sneakers and actually I paired it with my creamy long skirt and a super cute t-shirt! I love it. Then I tied my baseball sweater into my waist. I realize it was a cute picture cause the colors are match uuuuu! I love it much.

 Well someone comes to my home uch I hate this much. Hope it will inspire you!! xx


Oct 18, 2014

Prove me wrong

I have no idea how boys can easily say that he like a girl when he just only met her once or perhaps twice.
They just knew each other, started talking about each other's life, wondering what she or he had been going through. And boom! He just said it. Said that he likes her and wants to be her bf. Uh-oh.

Boys, girls are need more time to know you better, to see your efforts for her, to believe in you, to know that you won't caused the pain, to think about what will happened, to prepare herself for the worst, and many more.

Perhaps you don't know what she had been going through, how much the pain that she kept inside the hole of her heart, you don't know that someone has just left the pain inside her hole heart, she can't believe in someone easily, she can't let other people come to her and stay for a while and after that, those people just walked away from her.

She can't easily fall in love with others, you have to prove those words. She needs an action, not only the words. Stay if you think you can treat her like a queen, if you think that you can make her happy, if you think that she's the only one for you, because she deserve much better. Yes, she does. Prove it for her.


Oct 12, 2014

Little Reminder

You can never be just come to someone's life and go away.
When he comes to you and say all the things on his mind, say how much he needs you, how much he loves you, and you feel like you're the one.
You trust him, and you choose him, let him fills that space in your heart, fills it with a tons of love.

And someone comes, telling you the truth.
You have no idea how could it getting hard.
You're too tired to believe in someone.
Because everytime you believe in someone, they just broke it.

Then, you're too tired to speak up too.
You prefer to keep it and let the time heals the pain rather than telling someone how much it hurts you.
You have to start. Over and over again. That walls already broken and you need to rebuild it.
You no longer can handle this, and you discovering yourself is getting cold to anyone since you don't want to someone nor anyone touch the walls.

Dear, who ever you are who reading this post
Just be honest to anyone, don't ever lie.
Respect others.



Oct 3, 2014


Hi October!
Be mine pleaseee

I have some stories actually but I won't tell you all these stories;p ups I think I want tell you, a bit. Just a bit.
I do really happy right now. Yes, I really do. It's been soooo long since someone couldn't even make me laugh with those stupid conversations. But he does. He makes me laugh because of his stories, his jokes, even his behaviour.

That's all.
I wish he could heal this pain with his taste of jokes;p


Sep 21, 2014


I have to forget anything about the past;p
Well, I have been disposing the first rose, the letters that I want send to you (thank God I forget to give it), the flowers that you've given to me 3 weeks ago, and your photo.

I can heal this, slowly.
There's no more memories about it yippieee!


Worst week ever.

I saw his car, twice.
It's not a big problem actually, what make it worse is I let myself replied his text for several times just for answering those unnecessary things.
I don't know how, but whenever I feel my heart beat faster than it supposed to, I'm sure he's around me.
Seems like I have a good feeling at it, seems like God give me a sign. Sounds stupid?
But it happened for three times.
First, when I took a rest at my course. I went to somewhere with my friends, then suddenly my heart beat faster than before. I have no idea how could this happened. And several days later, I knew from him that he was at the same place with me. He was around me. We were so close. Hiks.
Second, when I was going to take a class at my course. I don't know why my heart was beating faster than it supposed to. My friend always talked about him, his car, or anything about him. And it makes me curious, whenever I saw a red car I make sure that wasn't him. But in fact, that was his car! I almost meet him, thank God for "almost". Yes. He was around me, we were so close.
And third, 2 days ago. My heart was beating faster over and over again, I kept asking myself what would happened at that time. Then I went to somewhere with my friends, to get some food for this fussy tummy and when my friends picked me up to get home, again. I saw his car and I guess I saw him too.
From now on, I trust my heart more than anything. Whenever it's beating faster, I have to prepare myself for anything that could be happened. I wish I could handle it.

It's not a big things actually. I accepted him on path, twice. And unshared him twice. He asked me why did I remove him from my friend list?
Well you know, actually I don't want to know anything about him.
I know more from my friends although I don't want to.
I know the truth. I know how was his day going on. I do really know, eventhough I ignore myself to think about it.
Sad enough, isn't it?
I trust someone who had lied to me for thousand times, but I still trust him.
I knew the truth, but I still trust a lie.
I'm exhausted to get myself think about it over and over again, it neither change anything nor heals the pain.

But this is a life! I have to enjoy every moment of it. I do accept this story, I learned much from it.
I need more time to heal this pain, after it perhaps we could be friend again. Totally friend. Time will prove it.


Sep 15, 2014

Figure it out

Someone told me that you posted something on your line's home.
I told him, last night you sent me a picture.
Then he showed me your line's home.
"I miss your stupid face"

Oh... Couldn't even believe it, how fast you moved on.
Congratulation! I wish she'd better than me.
But she'd never loved you as much as I can.


Sep 14, 2014


no one cares, though.
I'll try.. :):):)


Thinking Out Loud
So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart

And if you hurt me
Well, that's okay baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won’t ever let you go

I'm stumbling off drunk, getting myself lost
I am so gone, so tell me the way home
I listen to sad songs, singing about love
And where it goes wrong


Getting worse.

You know that feeling?
When I'm just waiting.
Waiting to get home, into my room, close the door, fall into bed, and just let everything out that I kept in all day.
That feeling of both relief and desperation.
Nothing is wrong, but nothing is right either.
And I'm tired.
And I just want to someone to be there and tell me it's going to be fine, it's going to be okay.
But no one's going to be there.
And you know?
No one could fix it, no one but my self.
And my self, still couldn't. Even just for open these door, for looking how mess this hall.
But I still pretend like there's nothing happen. Nothing. And I just let my self to follow the rhytme of the life, kept it all day, and let it burn in this bed until those sprinkles accompany me to sleep.


Sep 9, 2014

Thankyou anyway :)

You already decided to leave me.
But, why do you still keep in touch with me?
Well... If you want to leave, just leave. I won't beg you to stay.
It was your decision.
But baby please, could you stay away from me? :)
Don't ever come to me again, don't ever talk to me. We don't have to talk anything, not anymore.
We had our own way. You already chose your own way.
Just leave.
I'll be fine.
Time will heal this pain.
Time gonna fix it.
Thankyou for leaving. Thankyou for giving up. Thankyou for hurting.
While I've tried my best to you. While I'm struggling enough to stay. While I tried my best to make you smile.
Hope you'll find something better :)
Good night, love.

not even yours anymore,


Sep 7, 2014


Been a week.
Been a week since I had to rebuilt all over again.
I've dreamed about you everyday since the last time we met, I don't even know why. Perhaps...Deep down inside this hole I miss you more than I could ignore it, more than I'd thought.
Well, that walls would never as tough as I want.


Aug 31, 2014


I just woke up, and was going to clean up my house (especially, my room) I walked into bathroom and found that someone's car has just arrived. Your car. Well, honestly I didn't know what to do. Panic. How could you came? I didn't even reply your text. So, I just washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then, I met you eventough I didn't really want to.
We sat on our historical sofa, well....I was quiet because you made my whole heart beat faster than before, I was thinking what am I supposed to do?
Just a hug, and you broke my walls. As easy as that. As easy as you think.
And for a thousand times, again and again, I made an excuse for my self. What? Excuse? Yea, I said to my self.
"Please, just for today, let it be. Just today. This is the last, please." yea I know I've said it for a million times, but how could I ignore my fav place? That shoulder which is belongs to me.
And you destroyed those walls, successfully.
I turned into "me" the one who loves you wholeheartedly.
I took a bath, we talked about many random things, you said yesterday was your day, just for yesterday. And I made those excuses for my self, you won.
What was my fav part? We took many super-weird&silly&annoying&cute-photos. (I saved it:'p)
Then I begged you to go to somewhere, we went to some of my fav places, we drove a road, we listened maroon5's songs and we sang it together. Mcd's. Drive thru. Ate it in your car, and those memorable things I should forget but I just can't.
After that you took me to somewhere, you bought me a bucket of flowers. Red&White Roses.
And we went to my house, you spent your 14hours with me, you said that was your record.
And I should have to realize that day was over, our day was over. There is no more us.
Well, you already gone with the wind, you already gone with the time, and now I'm standing up for my self, rebuild the walls.

P.S : Take care yourself, I'll always support you.

truly yours,


Aug 5, 2014


I'M LOST.....................

No matter what

No matter how hard I explain it.
No matter how hard I think about it.
No matter how hard it would be.
It just don't change anything.
I should have through this, no matter how hard it is.


Jun 20, 2014

Black and White Day

Yeay finally! Temu kangen sama adik-adik cantikkuuuu. Actually, iya mereka adik kelas aku pas aku SMP tapi kita masih deket sampe sekarang yah?;p Jadi mereka berdua namanya hampir sama. Sama-sama dea, yaudah biar aku gak bingung, aku bedain panggilannya haha, here we go!
First, Nasyila Anindya, aku manggil dia denay, biar gampang, biar gak ketuker;p
Pertama kali aku kenal denay pas aku kelas 9. Waktu itu lagi shalat dhuha kan, nah biasanya abis shalat dhuha ngaji tuh. Waktu itu lagi males ngaji (jangan ditiru ya) yaudah aku ngobrol sama anak baru, terus berhubung temen sekelas aku minta nomor denay yaudah sekalian aku kenalan sama dia. Eh dari situ kita jadi deket deh, suka nyapa kalo ketemu, suka cerita-cerita, aaaah jadi sister from another parents lah yah dek?;p
Ini denay, dia asik banget kok, awalnya kalem, kalo udah kenal sih......yah tau lah ahahaha

 Second, Dhea Rizkya Julianti. Wiiih ini berkesan bangetsih ya, aku kenal dia pas UTS atau UAS yah UTS semester 1 kalo gak salah, nah kan aku kelas 91, dia kelas 71. terus dia duduknya di samping aku, pas dia mau udah selesai terus mau keluar dia kasih aku coklat "kak, ini buat kakak ya dari aku" ........terus aku cuma bisa bengong gitu (hah?seriously?waaaaah ananda punya penggemar!!!) dalem hati mikirnya gitu wakakakak. Terus besoknya ada juga yang ngasih coklat tapi ditaruh dalem loker meja aku katanya sih dari anak kelas 7 juga wakakaka, kalian tau aja aku penggemar coklat :")
Ohiya aku manggil dia deol, gatau kenapa pokoknya panggil deol aja jangan panggil dhea. Terlalu banyak nama dhea:( deol itu asik, terus anaknya narsis banget ampun, tapi dia baik, seru abis pokonya kalo main sama dia pasti ketawa terus ada aja yang diomongin hahaha iwafyu both!

Ayuk kita mulai ceritanya!
Jadi waktu itu, deol comment gitu di instagram aku, ngajakin main, pertamanya aku kira gak akan jadi eh akhirnya jadi juga ya dek hahaha. Yaudah deh kita janjian nonton kan terus sempet bingung mau nonton dimana yaudah deh akhirnya kita sepakat ke alsut.
Kita jalan juga akhirnya!!! hahaha kangen banget ampuuun.

 Sampe sana, aku emang udah janjian sama sepupu aku dia mau ikut nonton. Awalnya mikir banget dia cowo sendiri dan gakenal juga kan sama mereka, tapi ternyata.............semua berjalan seru haha ah pokoknya seneng lah kemarin bisa main sama mereka, kangen banget udah berapa tahun gak ketemu;p

Maafkan yang ini jelek parah ahahah-_- kita nonton yang jam 14.25 terus kan kita sampe sana sekitar jam 12 yaudah deh kita makan dulu wuuuushhh yah maklum aja yah udah lama banget gak ketemu dan berujung dengan foto terus:")

 Abis makan kita muter-muter deh tuh, masih lama kan filmnya mulai. Kemarin sepi banget, enak deh pokoknya;p yaudah deh ini hasil dari kita muter-muter:")

Denay nih yang sibuk banget balesin chat mantannya dan hari ini mau nonton sama mantannya gara-gara menang taruhan bola ihiy! Semoga balikan mwach:*;p

Talk about the outfit, I'm wearing black tutu skirt, black sequin tee (I'd rather called it "sprakling tee") lol, then I put my black jeans, and black scarf, and black flatshoe. Black on black! In love with black, all on black. But I decided to wear my choco-vanilla bag, not my black bag. I don't know either why.

Deol wearing her white sweater, jeans, and sneakers, then she put her "jeans" bag and decided to wear black scarf same with meeee;p

Denay decided to wear her white basic tee and put her black&white stripes cardigan, and jeans, and flatshoe, simple! She decided to wear black scarf tooooooo hihi. All that day was white and black and ok, a lul blue;p

 Ya gini, saking jomblonya gak ada yang dipeluk.....jadi pelukan sama ini...:(

Apasih kalian gadget addict banget:( selfie terus:( aku gak diajak:9 eh apanih...haha wafyu!

Udah deh abis itu kita nonton kan yah....yaudah....kita ketawa terus setiap ngeliat domba putih soalnya mirip denay:") hahah yaudahlah gapenting pokoknya How To Train Your Dragin 2 seru banget kok!
Terus kita kebelet pipis, dan yaudah berakhir dengan restroom selfie karena sepi dan ada kaca yaudah...selamat menikmati kebahagiaan sederhana kami!

Pas udah selelsai nonton, kita rada bingung mau kemana, and finally decided untuk minum dulu.
Yaudah deh jadinya malah duduk-duduk lama sambil jadi fakir wifi gitu:((
Terus a imam pulang, dia ada urusan lain yaudah kita bertiga aja deh hihi.

Ini beneran candid kok beneran...hahaha

Ah pokoknya gila banget deh kemarin, untungnya lagi sepi yah gak malu-maluin banget....dari yang mulai cerita tentang cinta-cintaan versi remaja, ngomongin orang-orang menyebalkan, flashback jaman smp, banyak deh. Terus karena kita belum puas fotonya, yaudah kita foto lagi:") dan orang-orang ngeliatin kita gitu sambil senyum-senyum:") yaudah gapapa yah bahagia itu sederhana kok!

Abis maghrib kita udah dijemput (anak baik gaboleh main sampe malem-malem ya) wakakak, yaudah kita pulang, niatnya dirumah deol mau bikin meme comic gitu yang lagi ngehitz itu cuma ya berhubung udah capek.... Kita bener-bener muterin mall terus, minum terus, foto terus hahaha yaudahlah pokoknya bahagia! Makasih banyak adik-adikkuuuu, see you soon yah! Nanti kita main lagi pokoknya, dan bikin meme comic yah;p btw, denay hari ini jadi nonton gak sama eggy?hihi;p



Jun 17, 2014

I was wrong.

I thought we were fine.
I thought you were changed.
I thought it was beautiful.
I thought everything was so right.
Then I realize, I was wrong.

You didn't even change.
You did it again, you always do same mistakes.
I'm tired.
What can I do?
For how many times again?
Should I stay? Or leave?
Is this love?
If this is love, it won't hurt.
You did it over and over again, I'm exhausted. Really.


Jun 15, 2014

Lovely Ice Cream

Don't know what to do?!
Open your closet, find out the clothes, and try it! Mix it! Play with it!
Play with pattern, colour, and mode!

 And yeaaaaa me and my auntie was playing this!
I wear my lovely baby pink long sleeve, pattern pants with 3 mixing colours (grey, white, and pink) then I wore mini skirt (actually it has a pattern too, yea! Tartan black mini skirt) And I wore brown boots, big-love-bag, piano necklace, and ice cream snapback. I love this outfit, I don't know I love wearing mini skirt with pants and sweater or long sleeve tee, then I put my boots or sneakers on.

Try to play with your closet! lol, happy weekend babyboo!
