Dec 28, 2015

Wardah Pinky Peach Lip Palette (little review and swatches)

Halo halooo selamat siang!
Apa kabar semua? Semoga baik-baik yaa :)
Kali ini aku mau cerita sedikit  tentang Wardah Pinky Peach Lip Palette
Aku beli Wardah Lip Palette ini di Wardah Beauty House Bogor (Jl.Raya Padjajara no.28j Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor Jawa Barat) hmm harganya aku lupa antara 60-70ribuan.
Awalnya aku gak niat untuk beli ini, tapi lumayan juga sih hehe karena dengan harga yang bisa dibilang cukup murah, kita bisa dapet beberapa warna dalam satu palette itu.
Kalau gak salah Wardah Lip Palette ini ada 3 seri, tapi aku ambil yang Pinky Peach karena warnanya soft dan cocok untuk ngampus ataupun buat jalan-jalan ;)
Wardah Lip palette ini punya 8 shades dan packagingnya sih ok menurutku

(left to right)
1. Exc 36 (Surgary Pink)
2. Matte 17 (Gorgeous Pink)
3. Exc 33 (Peach Brown)
4. Exc 37 (Pink Lovers)
5. Exc 50 (Winter Pink)
6. Exc 40 (Diva)
7. Exc 29 (Lavender)
8. Exc 28 (Rosy Purple)

Aku bahas satu persatu ya! :)

1. Exc 36 (Surgary Pink)

Untuk shade yang ini aku lebih suka beli Wardah Exclusive Lipsticknya langsung, gatau kenapa saat di aplikasiin ke bibir aku beda dengan Wardah Exclusive Lipstick (aku punya yang shadenya sama, Surgary Pink) untuk Lip Palette ini juga pemakaiannya harus beberapa kali baru warnanya kelihatan, teksturnya juga lebih glossy.

2. Matte 17 (Gorgeous Pink)

Awalnya aku mikir ini warna orange HEHEHE. Shade ini gak beda jauh sih warnanya dengan shade yang pertama tapi yaaa yang ini lebih cerah sih hehe. Buat aku ini gak matte sama sekali malah lebih ke glossy, eh tapi matte sih akhirnya malah jadi bikin bibir kering:( tapi warnanya beneran gorgeous kok!;)

3. Exc 33 (Peach Brown)

Peach brown atau lebih ke nude sih menurut aku, daaan aku gak suka lipstick warna nude karena aneh kalau aku pake:( entahlah jadi kaya orang sakit. Tapiiii kalau yang shade ini aku masih suka karena warnanya masih cocok di aku, gak terlalu pucat. Teksturnya ya seperti lipstick-lipstick wardah lainnya, glossy. Mungkin yang kulitnya agak tanned cocok bgt sama shades ini! Soalnya bundaku cocok kalau pake shades yang ini :)

4. Exc 37 (Pink Lovers)

Aku agak bingung dengan nama shadesnya soalnya ini bahkan lebih nude dari pada shades yang ketiga and..I'm not really into this. Warnanya buat aku terlalu pucat huhu:( tapi kalau di combine sama shades lain jadi bagus kok. Aku pribadi sih kurang suka shades ini:(

5. Exc 50 (Winter Pink)

...and also for this one, I'm not into this:( aku gak akan pakai shades ini kalau gak aku combine dengan warna lain karena ya......gitu lebih lebih lebih bikin aku terlihat kaya orang yang lagi sakit dari pada warna nude. Kalau ini di combine dengan warna-warna mencolok kaya shocking pink atau ungu mungkin akan lebih baik :)

6. Exc 40 (Diva)

Yesh! Pink! Aku selalu suka lipstick pink. Kalau shades ini cocok banget buat yang lagi males pakai lipstick cerah tapi gamau juga kelihatan pucat. warnanya soft banget, cocok buat ngampus atau sekedar main-main sama teman ;) teksturnya yappp glossy juga deh

7. Exc 29 (Lavender)

Shades yang ini lebih cerah satu tingkat dari shades sebelumnya, tapi gak terlalu beda jauh juga sih warnanya cuma shades ini agak lebih pink ke unguan gitu kaliyaa. Cocok sih untuk daily lipstick, khusunya buat para pecinta lipstick pink

8. Exc 28 (Rosy Purple)

Last shades! Buat yang suka lipstick cerah kaya aku pasti akan suka juga sama shades ini! Warnanya "hidup" dan gak terlalu mencolok juga. Masih cocok untuk ngampus dan dijadiin daily lipstick. Tapi yang gak suka tekstur glossy huhu maaf kurang cocok untuk anda.

Wardah Pinky Peach Lip Palette
  • Harganya terjangkau
  • Shadesnya cukup banyak
  • Packagingnya cukup bagus
  • Bisa di bawa kemana-mana
  • Cocok untuk pemakaian yang gak terlalu lama
  • Terlalu glossy
  • Bibir jadi kering:(
  • Harus rajin touch up (untuk pemakaian yang lama)
  • Kalau habis makan jadi cracking gitu:(
  • Brushnya susah dibersihkan:(
Mungkin sekian aja ya a lil review and swatchesnya, hope you like it.
Ohya untuk tips pemakaian wardah Lip Palette ini sebaiknya pakai lipbalm dulu ya sebelumnya, diamkan beberapa menit, terus hapus lipbalmnya dan baru deh pakai Wardah Lip Palette ini.
Selamat mencoba!



Dec 24, 2015

Geeky Grid

Sorry but I don't feel like I want to write a long explanation.
I just wanna share this top by @syadshop27 thankyou sooo much they're so kind.
Check their new collection, way to dress up yourself
This is me with a geeky grid top and strick pose so sorry if it iritates your eyes.
Wish you have a blessed and lovely life, love ya.




Dear friends

Trying to be kind to everyone.
Yes, I did.
Apologize something that I feel it wasn't a big problem.
Apologize for things that I don't even know what exactly is that.
Apologize to people that I thought I could trust them.
I know sometimes I'm selfish, moody, etc, etc, all those bad things within me.
I don't even know why I did.
I said sorry, I tried to be kind, I tried to fix problems that I really don't know what it is all about.
After that, you know what?
They didn't treat me like I did.
They didn't appreciate my apologize, moreover I really don't know what is about.
What should I do?
Say sorry? I did.
Explain? I did.
Decrease my ego? I did.
I'm not that kind of person who can easily break down my ego, but lately yes I did.
Honestly, I'm exhausted to please everyone.
Exhausted to be kind and let them be cruel to me.
What do you think I am? I am just human. A girl. Has a sensitive heart.
I thought that I can be an everlasting friend to them, but in fact I'm wrong.
They ignore me by the unexplained reasons.
Without any explanation.
I'm done with this.
If they still want to be my friends then treat me like the way they want to be treated.
And if not, I'll let it be memories.
It really don't matter if they want to stop being my friends.
At least I've tried my best to be kind to them, to apologize something that I don't even really know, to treat them in a good way, to try make a conversations.
I don't want drama in my life, there are so much things to do in life.
Thankyou for being my friends for a while, I won't insist you to be my everlasting friends.
You can choose your way, I wish you have a great life there dear lovely friends. Thankyou for give me many lessons in life, I'm blessed. Take care :)
Remember, I still here.
I'm just exhausted to be ignored.
See you in another life.



Dec 20, 2015

Ziggy Scarf

Hello again everyone!
Now I'm gonna show you this details scarf that I got from @ahmshop
This pattern (people called it monochrome scarf nowadays) scarf is just too cute! Can't helppp! I love this pattern thankyou sooooo much.
I always love wearing black. And yesh this scarf have a lil black soooo I just can't help to not getting selfie hehehehehehehe pardon meh.
O yaaaa I also love this kind of lipstick, cherrylipssss!
Go check their collections, this scarf is really comfyyy love this aw aw



Stripe Medium Outer

Hello, goodnight!
Now I'm in my hometown yesh Tangerang hehe actually I have a morning class tomorrow but I was feeling unwell this morning so I decided to back to Bogor tomorrow and skip my morning class.
This photo was took a few weeks ago, I can't even take a good pose but this photo dedicated to @syadshop27 who give me this beautiful outer. Can't get enough! I alwasy wanted to get long outer and they gave me. Thankyou! I do really love their collections, simple yet stylish. Go check their profile and buy some clothes there. I really reccomended you to!

I paired their cute outer with plain white t-shirt, grey loose pants, and black hijab yesh! My signature hijab is black.


Wasn't ready yet :p



Dec 1, 2015

Different Path

One day he sent her a message, at first she didn’t want to talk to him, she replied with short message and for a quiet long time. 
He sent her many songs that she loved and she started to reply his message with kind responses. 
They started to talk about many things, talked about songs that they love, talked about their past, experience, interests , shared their stories, and one day with no planned she met him. 
That night, in the corner of the street, in the dark, she saw him. 
His tall body, his pointed nose, his almond-shapes eyes, his bold lips, even she knew that he has a black hair. 
Unfortunately, they didn’t talk. In fact, she started to admire him. 
Day by day, when she believes that she truly interested to him and he’s gone. He started to make a distance between them. 
That’s all. Just like that. 
When he goes to nowhere, she stays in somewhere. 
When she walks to right, he runs straight. 
When he flies, she drowns. 
When she opens her eyes, he closes his eyes. 
That’s why…they never met again in reality or even in dreams. 
Or perhaps, they just never really meant to be together.
So, she decided to leave, go to another place, find another home, built another dreams, and wait to another one.



Chevron Square

Hello december!
I wish you have a better day than yesterday.
I'm gonna talk abouth this scarf from @syadshop27 (you can visit their instagram and check their newest collections). This square scarf is soooo adorable, I reallly love that patterns! And ofcourse the colors yeshh black and white. Recommended onlineshop! I didn't put it as usual well perhaps I will make the tutorial as soon as possible hehe
This square's material is cotton soooo its really comfortable and suits me well, love it love it yea! Gotta have another one ;p moreover, they have many cute pattern scarves on their collections I can't get enoughhh it's just tooo cute. Ok, stop talking. I mean stop typing unimportant things. Here some details from me, hope you like it and hope it won't make your eyes allergic hee.




Nov 30, 2015

A way to cure

"There's no magic cure, no making it all go away forever. There are only small steps upward; an easier day, an unexpected laugh, a mirror that doesn't matter anymore."

Nov 29, 2015

She acts like summer and walks like rain.

Hello everyone!
Here I am, doing nothing but blogging and...waiting for something magical happen to my life.
YES, lately my entire life feel soooooo....empty
I've told ya before
Since I didn't have anything to do so I took some photos lol
To be honest, I need an extra effort to get proper picture since no one can take it for me. So sad.
I created my own secret to took proper picture yesterday he he he hope you like it.

Well, I used to be "happy go lucky" girl yesterday, I put my baby pink scarf with flower dress which is belongs to my young mommyyy (yesh, that everlasting dress) both of them are get "pastel look" then I put my plain white outer plus blue stocking to cover my feet. After that I put my pink jelly shoes. Feels like dancing in the summer when I took those pictures.

So, here I am!

"...she acts like summer"

"...then walks like rain"


Medium details (top)

Medium details (bottom)

See you on another post lovely people, have a good rest. May all those happiness comes to you :)


Ps : I'm not a pro blogger, I blog because I like it..then forgive me if my pictures doesn't good enough for you.
