Jul 30, 2018

Vanilla Story; How.

“And here it comes, the pain I’ve been avoiding.
It comes rushing in big waves and just may drown me.
It’s ready to pull me under and take the breath straight from my lungs.
And this time, I’m not sure how to swim safely.”

Excerpt a book I will never write #28


fancy vanilla.

Vanilla Story; Letter to a sea.

"Our time and space was beautiful,
even if it has ended,
even if it will never be the same; the universe is a strange place.
In the end,
I'm just thankful to have shared anything with you,
for any time
at all."


fancy vanilla.

Jul 15, 2018

Vanilla Story; Life.

At some point,
you just have to let go of
what you thought should happen
and live in what is happening.


fancy vanilla.

Jul 9, 2018

Vanilla Story; Silence.

"What are you tired of hearing about?"
"Silence isn't empty, it's full of anwers."


fancy vanilla.

Jul 7, 2018

Vanilla Story; Drowning.

You're like a drug
I should leave you alone,
but I want more.

I'm drowning
to your hands,
and the way they hold mine
to you fingers,
and the way it fits mine
to your lips,
and the way they took my breath away
to your hug,
and the way they keep me warm
to your smell,
and the way it fills me
to your touch,
and the way they stole my sanity

I'm drowning
I crave you so deep
the ocean would be jealous

I keep coming back
to a quiet night.
when your mouth against mine
my breathing slowed
my heart raced
I was trembled; watching your eyes and the way you looked at me.
I was entranced; seeing your smile and the way you smiled at me.

You're my addiction
that I don't know how to stop
and I wish I don't even need to stop

but this dream,
is too good to be true.


fancy vanilla.

Vanilla Story; Fall.

Maybe it was  your laugh,
or your eyes,
or your voice,
it could've been your smile,
or your thoughts,
or your personality.
Whatever it was,
it made me fall
pretty damn hard.


fancy vanilla.

Vanilla Story; Trembled.

"he placed his hands
on my mind
before reaching
for my waist
my hips
or my lips."
-rupi kaur


fancy vanila.

Vanilla Story; Argument.

Meganthropus; definitely animal!
No, it was human.
Animal wins.
Half chinese? well-can't be accepted.


fancy vanilla.

Vanilla Story; Thoughts of memory.

"Memory is like a box,
cart or anything where it keeps something that has occured and selected,
we can pull the box from it shelf,
we can see anything inside that box whenever we want and put it back after that.

Memory is everything,
it is our experience,
our reference,
our lesson,

Love, life, pain, and all taste that color your world.
So no point we try to ease the memory,
Memory is joy."


fancy vanilla.