May 12, 2018

Why don't we?

We never "talk" anymore,
there is something missing;
something has changed though neither of us talks about it.

We pretend and we are good at it.
I often wonder if we're still at the same thought?
or if I was just meant to be there, in your heart for a brief space of time?

We knew, we're exhausted to fix things up over and over again
Like we always did in the past few years
I didn't blame you for anything,
I blame my self, as you always did.
Though you always ended up saying that was me,
the one who didn't want to be blamed.

We're confused and lost, yet I dare not ask a question whose answer might break my heart.
We knew we might need our own space,
but we never admit and pretend it was nothing,
until it comes,
the day we didn't trust each other
but we keep pretending.

To be honest,
It was the confusion that I've drown it
I'm exhausted.
It consumes me.

Why don't we realize?
I knew you're going to read this.


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