Apr 22, 2017

Monochrome kinda day

Hi everyone!
Been a long time since the last time I post about fashion things lol. Currently busy and rarely catch up my blog (yes so sad) because life is getting harder and I'm getting older.
Here I am post something that isn't really a thing.
I was wearing grey instant hijab to cover my hair huehe, paired it with black long sleeve top (I love its hand cutting) and dark grey pants.
I was wearing my simple black flatshoes with a cute ribbon and my simple black watches to boost my look.
Plus, ring and glasses! Just to have fun with those things hehe.
I think this look fits you to hangout or campus daily outfit. Not too much, simple, and it suits you if you really like monochrome just like meeee;p
So here! Hope you like it :)


See you soon!

